Postdoc, Swiss Tropical and Public Health-Institute, University of Basel - and - Institute of Language and Communication, Technische Universität Berlin
My main language is German - in my jobs, I speak German and English.
I’d like to speak about my two fields of activity:
Project collaboration (and the included communication) of research projects with partners in Europe, Africa and India – this collaboration could be interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary. Here, I could speak about (1) experiences from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health-Institute and my work there as well as (2) about my research on communication optimisation.
My second field is applied linguistics – in research and teaching. I’m teaching master students in Berlin with focus on languages for specific purposes (business communication, scientific communication etc.), multilingualism and German as a foreign language. But I could also speak about different topics related to linguistics.
Maybe someone wants to ask my about life in academia, commuting between cities and countries… ;-)
In einer Videokonferenz...
... kann ich über meine Forschung sprechen.
... beantworte ich gerne Fragen zum Studium oder zu Karrierechancen.
... spreche ich auch mit Universitätsstudenten im Rahmen einer Vorlesung.
... stehe ich als Experte in anderem Rahmen zur Verfügung (z.B. für Journalisten, Museen).
Verwandte Schulfächer
Ethik, Sprachen, Sozialwissenschaften, Fächerübergreifend
Englisch, Deutsch