Professor/in, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
I believe that answering and discussing your question is an important way of transporting scientific results.
I'm actually not a junior professor but my job is so unique and in-between so many things that the scheme here doesn't fit. :) I'm a scientists who leads a kind of think tank, a synthesis centre dealing with all aspects of biodiversity research questions. I'm a trained wildlife ecologist who after being for several years a postdoc changed from being a pure scientist to managing science and its processes behind. I'm still doing research and was among the most cited ecologists globally in 2018.
Outreach-wise I gave a TEDx talk ( and also give regularly media interviews about biodiversity and/or climate change related issues. I also speak often to the public, e.g. at schools or science nights etc.
I also talk regularly to stakeholders and politicians.
In einer Videokonferenz...
... kann ich über meine Forschung sprechen.
... beantworte ich gerne Fragen zum Studium oder zu Karrierechancen.
... spreche ich auch mit Universitätsstudenten im Rahmen einer Vorlesung.
... stehe ich als Experte in anderem Rahmen zur Verfügung (z.B. für Journalisten, Museen).
Verwandte Schulfächer
Englisch, Deutsch