Shreya Pramanik
Doktorand/in, Max Planck Instictute for Colloids and Interfaces
I started my higher education in Chemistry and did several internships and projects which got me interested in questions that do not have answers yet. I got motivated to pursue a career in 'research'. I have worked in various fields involving biological questions like why proteins aggregate and how 'life' originated from primordial soup. I am still working on a similar topic where I try to make artificial cell-like compartments and make them divide using very simple molecules like sugars and salts.

In einer Videokonferenz...

... kann ich über meine Forschung sprechen.

... beantworte ich gerne Fragen zum Studium oder zu Karrierechancen.

... spreche ich auch mit Universitätsstudenten im Rahmen einer Vorlesung.

Verwandte Schulfächer
Biologie, Chemie, Mathematik, Fächerübergreifend
Biophysics, Membrane, Microscopy, Artificial cell, Microfluidics
Englisch, Hindi