Julius Upmeier zu Belzen
Masterstudent/in, Berlin Institute of Health - Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
After reading a newspaper article about a students project on circularization of Proteins for the iGEM competition, I decided to follow these students path and study Molecular Biotechnology in Heidelberg. One and a half years later I was part of a team for the same competition and was heavily involved with our bioinformatics efforts. I followed up on our project on predicting the function of a protein based on its amino acid sequence and wrote my Bachelors Thesis in this context. This was the foundation for a publication in Nature Machine Intelligence, which I am first author of. In Berlin I continue to work with Prof. Eils who also supervised our iGEM team, now focussing on machine-learning for genomic data and digital health. One year into my Bachelors I started studying Math in parallel to my main subject out of a general interest and some doubts whether Molecular Biology was the right choice. I stopped these efforts after a year when I became part of the iGEM Team. I'm happy to discuss these aspects as well. I enjoy communicating my science and am always interested in interdisciplinary discussions. I'm 23 years old, study in Heidelberg, work in Berlin, come from Bielefeld and plan to do a PhD in Berlin, starting in 2020.

In einer Videokonferenz...

... kann ich über meine Forschung sprechen.

... beantworte ich gerne Fragen zum Studium oder zu Karrierechancen.

... stehe ich als Experte in anderem Rahmen zur Verfügung (z.B. für Journalisten, Museen).

Verwandte Schulfächer
Biologie, Informatik, Ethik, Mathematik, Fächerübergreifend
Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Data Science, Digital Health, iGEM Student Competition
Englisch, Deutsch