Lecturer, University of Leipzig
Hello! I am a lecturer in British Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig. My research focuses on British culture – that is, on the way in which British society has understood and reflected on itself through different media and cultural products. My particular areas of expertise are the 19th century (the so-called Victorian age) and contemporary British literature and culture.
My work on the Victorian era focuses on the history of knowledge with a specific focus on the emerging medical sciences (especially dermatology!). I examine conceptions of the body, health, and disease in newspapers, guidebooks, advertisements, lectures, and novels from the 19th century. In the area of British contemporary culture, I have a special interest in representations of war, terrorism, neoliberalism, and racism. I also teach and publish in the fields of Gender and Queer Studies. My first book 'Theatre on Terror: Subject Positions in British Drama' was published by De Gruyter in 2017, and I am currently working on a second book project on dermatology and the Victorian novel.
In a video conferencing call...
...I am happy to talk about my research.
...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.
...I am happy to moderate a discussion.
...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).
Related School Subjects
Arts, Languages, Politics
English, German