PostDoc, Universität Bremen / Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik
I am an Industrial Engineer and published my PhD in robotic strategies in production and logistic systems. I worked several years in the offshore wind industry as a plant manager. I changed to Academia to focus my research on sustainable production and logistic systems. It's all about how we have to design industrial production systems regarding the challenge of Climate Change.
In a video conferencing call...
...I am happy to talk about my research.
...I can show live experiments or equipment, e.g. Laborführungen: z.B. Digitalisierungslösungen in der praktischen Anwendung
...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.
...I am happy to moderate a discussion.
...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).
Related School Subjects
Informatik, Wirtschaft & Recht, Ethik, Physik, Interdisziplinär
English, German