Mary McMillan
Lecturer, University of New England
I grew up in a small town in regional Australia, and although I always liked science I never really new what jobs were available as a scientist. I decided to go to University and complete a science degree, and while I was there I fell in love with DNA and learning about DNA technology. I decided to go on to further study and completed an Honours degree and a PhD. When I had finished my PhD I was fortunate enough to get a job at the same University where I studied, and so now I get to teach genetics and molecular biology to another generation of students. I also work with a research team looking at how genetics can impact on mental health, which is really rewarding to think one day our work could help lots of people who suffer from depression or other mental health conditions

In a video conferencing call...

...I am happy to talk about my research.

...I can show live experiments or equipment, e.g. How we collect samples for research (buccal cells, saliva, mouthwash), DNA extraction, molecular biology techniques such as PCR, microbiology (eg. cultures)

...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.

...I am happy to moderate a discussion.

...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).

Related School Subjects
Biology; Genetics; Biomedical science; Cell biology; stem cells; Microbiology