PhD candidate, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
I made my Abitur in 2012 in Heidenheim an der Brenz with a focus on natural sciences. Since I had a great geography teacher who teached us a lot about geology and economics I decided to study Applied Geosciences at the KIT.
The Bachelor Studies were broad studies about the processes on and in our earth. During my Bachelor studies I further did a 3 month internship about sustainable urban land use and environmental assesment. My bachelor thesis' topic where the analysis of chemical processes of iron and gold deposits in Iran.
After my graduation I worked for 7 months in a StartUp in Karlsruhe and developed content for digital learning materials for different types of school.
In 2016 I started with my master studies and focused on exploration geology which includes geothermal energy as well as the geology of oil and gas reservoirs. During the master studies I again did an internship. This time at one of the biggest energy producers in the section of research and development for geothermal energy. There I further worked almost one year besides my studies. In 2019 I finished my master studies with my master thesis about numerical modelling of geothermal systems in the greater munich area. Since September 2019 I'm a phd candidate at the departement of geothermal energy at the KIT. My studies now focus on the sustainable mineral exploration from geothermal waters.
In a video conferencing call...
...I am happy to talk about my research.
...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.
...I am happy to moderate a discussion.
...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).
Related School Subjects
Chemistry, Economics, Geography, Social Sciences
English, German