Professional, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Für Schulen im deutschsprachigen Raum:
Sprechfähig zu Themen in den Bereichen: Nachhaltigkeit, Pflanzenwissenschaften, Bioökonomie, Klimawandel, Umwelt, Management in der Forschung, Karriere in der Wissenschaft. Aktuelle Tätigkeiten: koordinierender Funktion für Forschungsaktivitäten (Deutschland, Europa, global) rund um das Thema Pflanzenwissenschaften & Bioökonomie, inkl Kommunikationsaktivitäten. Universitäre Ausbildung: Studium der Umweltwissenschaften; Dr. rer nat in Geologie über Speichertechnologien für das Treibhausgas CO2 in geologischen Schichten (Carbon Capture and Storage; Studium des Wissenschaftsmanagement.
For schools in English-speaking countries:
Can talk / inform on topics in the areas: Sustainability, plant sciences, bioeconomy, climate change, environment, management in research, a career in science. Current activities: Coordination and management of research activities (Germany, Europe, global) in the field of plant sciences & bioeconomy, including communication activities. Education: University degree in environmental sciences; Dr. rer nat in geology on storage technologies for the greenhouse gas CO2 in geological layers (Carbon Capture and Storage; University degree in science management.
In a video conferencing call...
...I am happy to talk about my research.
...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.
...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).
Related School Subjects
Biologie, Chemie, Ethik, Interdisziplinär
English, German