Claudia Wieners
PostDoc, Utrecht University
After my PhD in climate physics (mainly El Niño) I realised that the biggest problem in climate science is - humanity. Therefore I started a postdoc on climate policy and in particular geoengineering. Geoengineering means artificial large-scale manipulation of the Earth system (e.g. by producing thin artificial clouds in the high atmosphere to reflect some sunlight). I do not believe that Geoengineering can "solve" the climate problem; in my opinion, it can at most (!) be an addition to CO2 reduction, but never a replacement. Apart from climate science, I can also tell about the 1783 Lakagígar eruption in Iceland, which is not only a dramatic story but also fascinating case study of the important role of economy and governance in "natural" disasters.

In a video conferencing call...

...I am happy to talk about my research.

...I am happy to moderate a discussion.

...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).

Related School Subjects
Chemistry, Economics, Geography, Physics
S4F, climate change, climate policy, geoengineering
Dutch, English, German