Anne-Marie Neumann
PostDoc, Ulm University / Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy
I have always been interested in the workings of the brain, how it forms behaviour, and how ones life and environment affect this process. I studied Medical Biotechnology and worked as an assistant on the crosstalk of the immune system and the brain during epilepsy. My master's thesis was conducted in Japan about dietary modulation of neurodegeneration (in flies). I continued to work as an assistant on histological neuroscience projects until I started my PhD thesis about the interplay of obesity-surgery, circadian rhythms, and behaviour. Today, I work on neurogenesis-associated transcription factors in health and disease.

In a video conferencing call...

...I am happy to talk about my research.

...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.

...I am happy to moderate a discussion.

...I am happy to speak to others (e.g. to journalists, museums).

Related School Subjects
Biology, Chemistry
neuroscience, anatomy, translational science, molecular genetics
English, German