Philipp-Thomas Wehage
PhD candidate, Universität Heidelberg / Institut für Religionswissenschaft
I'm a doctoral researcher at Heidelberg University working at the intersection of Media History, Religious Studies, and Death Studies. My primary research interest involves the transformation of images of the dead in contemporary society. I've also done work on fantasy literature, fantasy games and utopias. So how did I get here? Slow and gradual developments, mostly. I started studying sociology and focused on the sociology of religion during my Bachelors. Then I ended up working on popular literature and games during my Masters, where I also first encountered the subject of Death Studies. Now I'm writing a dissertation in that particular space.

In a video conferencing call...

...I am happy to talk about my research.

...I am happy to answer questions about university and career-related questions.

...I am happy to moderate a discussion.

Related School Subjects
Arts, Ethics, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies
Thanatologie, Gegenwartsgeschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Christentümer, Religion und Popkultur, Religion und Tod, Jenseitsvorstellungen
English, German